• v2
  • Integrations
  • Other Environments
This is the documentation for the old GraphQL Yoga version 2. We recommend upgrading to the latest GraphQL Yoga version 3.

Get started with GraphQL Yoga v3

Other Environments

If you have a different environment that you want to integrate with, you can implement your middleware/handler like the example below.

GraphQL Yoga understands WHATWG Request object to consume your HTTP request. So you need an adapter implementation between your environment and WHATWG standard objects.

import { createServer } from '@graphql-yoga/common'
import { Request } from '@whatwg-node/fetch' // or fetch-like library
const yoga = createServer<MyRandomCtx>()
export async function myMiddleware(req: MyRandomRequest, ctx: MyRandomCtx) {
  // req.url is a full url here not a relative path
  const request = new Request(req.url, {
    method: req.method,
    headers: req.headers,
    body: req.body // req.body should be a valid BodyInit like an AsyncIterable, a ReadableStream, a Node.js Readable, a string or a Buffer etc...
  // Second parameter becomes your server context
  const response = await yoga.handleRequest(req, ctx)
  // response is a WHATWG `Response` object
  // Create a headers object for your middleware response
  const headersObj: any = {}
  response.headers.forEach((value, key) => {
    headersObj[key] = value
  // Let's say your environment needs to return something like the below;
  return {
    statusCode: response.status,
    body: response.body,
    // static responses will disable subscriptions
    // body: await response.text() If it accepts a string
    // body: await response.json() If it accepts a json
    // body: response.body if it accepts a ReadableStream or an AsyncIterable
    // body: Readable.from(response.body) if it accepts a Node.js Readable
    headers: headersObj // We assume that your environments accepts a regular JS object for response headers
Last updated on November 15, 2022